
Stains on a Decade
Tom Anholt, Brian Bress, Peter Linde Busk, Gareth Cadwallader, Sarah Dwyer, Derek Fordjour, Nick Goss, Nicholas Hatfull, Christof Mascher, Rebecca Nassauer, Sarah Pichlkostner, Benedetto Pietromarchi, Belén Rodríguez , Kathleen Ryan, Analia Saban, Vicky Wright, Ryan Mosley, Celeste Rapone, Hurvin Anderson, Jack Burton, Ian Davis, Svenja Deininger, Holly Hendry, John Houck, Aliza Nisenbaum, Conrad Shawcross, Leon Kossoff, Tal R, Paula Rego, Euan Uglow & Kaari Upson
6 June – 3 August 2019
Josh Lilley opened in May 2009. The gallery was built around artists of its generation and people in the same bag: recent graduates; twenty-somethings; those who have lived around art their whole lives; idiosyncratic creatives locking into their mature voice.
The gallery has grown with its artists and its clientele. There was no mission. A sense of adventure meant that international exchange quickly became a signature of the program, bringing British artists to the east and west coast of the US for the first time, then bringing American artists back for their debuts. Tribes formed among the artists we show. Instinctive visual connections have hardened into aesthetics. Daily discussions inside our Fitzrovia storefront have joined and driven discourse in the outside world. Fairs and reviews and museums. We all have careers now.
Ten years and 80 exhibitions in, Stains on a Decade brings together 31 artists whose journey Josh has shared since the beginning, artists who have stopped through at important moments, and artists whose example has defined the gallerys work.
Every five weeks or so, the gallery transforms, back to nothing and then filled with something new. This exhibition reflects on the modest imprint our labour has made on the landscape of art since 2009, and the indelible stain of inspiration left by images and their makers.
Hurvin Anderson, Tom Anholt, Brian Bress, Jack Burton, Peter Linde Busk, Gareth Cadwallader, Ian Davis, Svenja Deininger, Sarah Dwyer, Derek Fordjour, Nick Goss, Nicholas Hatfull, Holly Hendry, John Houck, Leon Kossoff, Christof Mascher, Ryan Mosley, Rebecca Nassauer, Aliza Nisenbaum, Sarah Pichlkostner, Benedetto Pietromarchi, Tal R, Celeste Rapone, Paula Rego, Belén Rodriguez, Kathleen Ryan, Analia Saban, Conrad Shawcross, Euan Uglow, Kaari Upson, Vicky Wright